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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Meeting w/ Some Fam in Munich

After a relaxing break of a few nights in Jena, Braden and I were once again on the trains going to Munich!  I was so so excited to see family and hoped that we wouldn't miss them somewhere.  We hadn't had the best communication the past day because they had all been flying, so it was kinda hit or miss if we would actually run into one another.  So, Braden and I walked off of the train and went to our hostel (Wombat's City Hostel) and asked them where ArtHotel was, because that is where the Ladies were staying.  He showed us the way and off we were.  We asked at reception if they could call up to a room for us and Sherry answered!  I was so excited!!  Up we went and there they were, all of them (Sherry, Margaret, Whinney and Grandma) dead tired.  They'd all been up for like 30-40 hours and needed some sleep.  Braden and I, of course, were not going to let that happen, so we were very chatty.  I guess they had just gotten back from Dachau and said that it was really moving and sad.  I can't do Holocaust stuff anymore, it's too real and I can't handle it.  Well, after snapping a quick picture of the four of us, Sherry, Margaret, Braden and I went to check-in at our hotel and get some food.

We let them rest a bit and get ready while we settled in to our hostel.  We were in a room for six and it looked like we were the only ones there, so that was good.  We were hoping that our luck would hold.  We met up with them in their room and when we got there it turns out that Whinney had burned off her hair on the super charged curling iron.  So, that was exciting.  And off we went to the Hofbräuhaus!!  We had a great time filled with lost of good food and conversation and of course lots of drinking as well.

This would have been my profile picture if I didn't have to watch it for Orientation stuff...

Well, we were all on our way out and the older ladies and Braden had to use the facilities, so Sherry and I went outside to wait, and while we did that a man threw up in front of us.  It was fantastic.  We all got onto a train and got back to the hotel and drank some more (I switched to Rose) and talked some more.  My favorite topics were grandma and Margaret's stories of growing up on the reservation and me telling the story of how Braden and I met.  Grandma, unfortunately, did not at all hold her liquor well and was sick.  Braden and Whinney had to help her.  Well, it was time to call it a night and in the morning we went to Neuschwanstein. (Which will be my next blog post, so I'm going to skip that for now and talk about the day after that in Munich).

Before I get to that, though, Braden and I have just one more hostel story to tell.  We got into our hostel at almost 2 and were very drunk and went right to bed.  Well, at about 3-3:30, three guys came in and were VERY loud and smoking and drinking in the room and were incredibly drunk.  They kicked their shoes at me and they hit the bed in front of my face, they grabbed Braden because they thought he was a friend of theirs and they played really loud music until like 5am.  Well, the next morning while I was in the shower, Braden went down to the front desk and we changed rooms.  The management went up and yelled at them and I guess they felt really bad and apologized and they didn't kick them out.  If they had, they would have just checked into the hostel next door, so it's not a big deal.  We got a ton of free drink tickets, but we never used them.

---Insert day in Neuschwanstein---

The last morning in Munich we went to breakfast at ArtHotel once again and were able to use the internet and etc.  We didn't have a lot planned for the day, it was much more just a walk around the city and see what we see.  We slowly lounged along the main shopping street that led from the train station to the main square and stopped in at C&A and H&M.  I also bought some frosting and ranch from Galleria Kaufhof (things I miss from home).  It was pretty exciting.  I also was on the lookout for my postcard and shot glass. We got to the square a little early to see the famous Glockenspiel, but we waited it out.  While we waited, someone (me) found Margaret the cutest possible Germany bag and she made the purchase.  I was really excited about it.  Come 12, the clock started playing its little game and we watched and I, obviously, took a video.

From there we walked to the antique shop grandma had spotted the first night and then over to the Hard Rock Cafe that I had been unable to get into at night because it was so full.  We stopped and had a few drinks.  The Hurricane really hit Margaret if I remember correctly.  From there we had fantastic ice cream and then saw some more of the city.  I really like Munich, it's a great city to visit!  We got onto the subway and when the first one came by it was filled to the brim and workers were telling people where they could and couldn't get on!  There was a soccer game (Bayern-München) going on in a few minutes and they were all on their way.  They were singing songs and jumping up and down and the subway was bouncing...it all looked very unsafe...and fun.

We got on the first subway that was not going to the stadium and got off in a few stops and went to a wonderful Italian place our hostel had recommened.  Before we could sit down, Whinney took a nasty fall and scratched her glasses and cut her lip.  Thank God that was all that happened.  Overall, it was a really good lunch, but I think I got sunburned.  On the way to the Englischer Garten (c'mon you can figure that one out) we saw a lion statue, and since that is Munich's thing, I got a picture.

We got into the English Gardens and....IT WAS SPRING!!!

See all those white things past the tree?  There were thousands of people in the park. Thousands. 

This park is larger than Central Park in New York and it was so great walking through it on one of the first nice days of the year.  People were out in full force.  We even walked through the nude part (kinda on accident, kinda not) much to the surprise of Grandma....Margaret, I think, liked it :)

We had to back track a little, but soon we found the Chinesischer Türm. This Chinese Pagoda was the pit stop for this leg of the Amazing Race.  Sorry, I had to.  

We sat down first on the grass and then on the picnic tables and had some drink.  I wasn't in the mood for beer, so Braden graciously got me a Fanta.  We met some Germans sharing the table with us, and (as Grandma always seemed to do) we heard their life story.  I told them that I study in Jena and the girl said, "I would never want to study in Jena."  I kinda knew where she was coming from, not a ton to do there.  After spending time in Munich, I was really wishing I went to school nearer a large city. But, that's moot now.  I stole some glasses to give to people and off we were back to the hotel.

Braden is not just doing this cuz it's cute, girls were actually doing this...for like....real.

On the walk back, we passed the memorial to Sophie Scholl of the White Rose, a Nazi resistance group.  A friend of mine, Jessie Roelofs did a piece about her for speech my freshman year of high school.

After that, we went back to the hostel for a while and we had little snacks (the pizza we ate was HUGE and filled us for most the rest of the day).  We left them to take the train back and Braden and I walked through Munich at night and just spent the night seeing the sights.  It was really great seeing them!

Quote of the Munich trip:
Grandma to Margaret, "Now, you gotta that not do."

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